Customer Payments: Export Search
Export Search Results
- Select the box for Include Header Row at the bottom of the search results list
- Prompt will appear and user should select Open
- Spreadsheet with data from search results will be created
Header Row Definitions
- Payment ID – transaction record number
- User Type – this details if this was a “customer” online payment or if it was a “client” in office initiated payment
- Payment amount – this field is not customized to show as dollars and cents but can be done after export if needed
- Payment Date
- First Name, Last Name, Address Lines (5 total), Phone Number, Customer Email – all will reflect as entered at the time of payment for the patient account posting
- Payment Type – represents the form of payment used such as credit card, cash or check
- Payment Method – represents the credit card type
- Client First Name, Client Last Name, Client Email – these fields detail which user input the payment information, if the payment was client initiated (see #2)
- Payment Status – provides the status of the payment at the time the report is being generated