Customer Payments: Export Search Results

  1. Export Search Results
    1. Select Include Header Rows
    2. Select Export to CSV
    3. Data fields are defined as follows:
      1. Client Name – will always reflect your organization’s name
      2. Department – represents the department that would have been directly involved with the data input at the time the payment was posted (if applicable)
      3. Account Number – represents the patient account number associated with the statement
      4. First Name, Last Name, Address Lines (5 total), Phone Number, Customer Email – all will reflect as entered at the time of payment
      5. Processing Payment – this details if this was a “customer” online payment or a “client” user payment
      6. Payment Received by and Client Email Address – client user that input the payment information, if the payment was client initiated
      7. Transaction ID – payment record identification number
      8. Transaction Amount
      9. Transaction Date
      10. Payment Method – represents the credit card type such as Visa, MasterCard, etc.
      11. Payment Type – represents the form of payment used such as credit card
      12. Payment Status – provides the status of the payment if Completed or Errored