Administrative: Users

  1. Users
Only the users who have been assigned the permissions to create, view & edit users will utilize this feature and follow these steps through the Administrative Menu by selecting Users from the drop down.
  1. Add New User
    1. Click
    2. Fill in ALL fields and click Create
      When this step is completed, an email will be sent to the address provided during this setup to complete the new user system access.
  2. Assign New User to Client(s)
    1. Locate the new user by entering information in the name field. NOTE: Do not select your client name from the drop down menu.
    2. Click next to the user name
    3. Select the Client Association tab
    4. Select the client(s) that the new user should have access to. There may be more than 1 selected by holding the Ctrl key.
    5. Click Save
      Please refer to II. Roles, Section C for instructions of how to assign permissions to your new user. NOTE: If you don’t assign a role to the new user, they will not be able to perform any functions within the system.
  3. Edit Existing Users
    1. Locate the new user by entering information in the fields provided.
      • It is recommended that you select a client from the dropdown box in order to obtain more exact results for a User Search
      • If you leave the other fields blank, you will receive results of all users assigned to this client
    2. Select next to the user name that needs editing
    3. Make any changes needed in each tab
      1. Demographics: update contact information
      2. Demographics: update contact information
        • Results here are based on selections in the Client Association tab. At least 1 selection is recommended but not required in order to have complete user metrics available.
        • Departments are only available if a client has them setup
    4. Client Association: add or remove access to specific client information